
Tropes, An #InkRipples Blog Post

Most people are very familiar with tropes, even if they don’t know what the word means. To be honest, I was one of those people at the beginning of the month. I had never heard the word, but I am very familiar with themes that have been used over and over again in books. That’s basically all a trope is, a well used and well known theme. 

For a bit more in-depth definition and some examples, head over to Mary Waibel’s blog to see what she says about tropes. If you’re interested in reading about some favorite tropes, then head over to Kai Strand’s blog. To find out what makes some trope stories stand out as unique, read Katie L. Carroll’s post

Hopefully, you’re well versed on tropes now. I know I am. Thanks for reading. Until next time…

#Inkripples is a themed meme hosted by Mary WaibelKatie L. Carroll, and Kai Strand posting on the first Monday of every month. To participate compose your own post regarding the theme of the month, and link back to the three host blogs. Feel free to post whenever you want during the month, but be sure to include #inkripples when you promote so readers can find you. The idea is that we toss a word or idea into the inkwell and each post is a new ripple. There is no wrong interpretation. Themes and images and more information can be found here.