• writing

    Save El Lobo Writing Competition

    Do you like to write? Do you want to help raise money for the Mexican gray wolf and possibly win a prize in the process? Then this competition is for you. It’s open to all ages and all genres. Go here to see the rules and prizes. But hurry, all entries must be received by March 31, 2017 11:59 pm, EST. Good luck!

  • Middle grade book,  writing

    First Chapter of The Gardenia Curse

    Chapter 1Darkness Gasping, Eva felt the coolness of the blade as it sliced through her skin. She clutched her now oozing side and opened her eyes to darkness. She frantically looked around. Her heart pounded against her ribs as if trying to break free. Her face dripped with sweat. Where was she? What was going on? Feeling a sticky warmth on her hands, Eva looked down. Her hands still clutched her side. In the trickle of moonlight that filtered through the window, she could see blood. Her blood. Eva scanned her surroundings. The darkness that faced her now was just that, darkness. A lack of light. Nothing more. As her…