
Inspiration behind the Dreamland forest

I’ve been asked where I get my inspiration, so I thought I’d give you a glimpse of some things that helped inspire The Gardenia Curse in a series of ‘inspiration’ posts.

I’ll start with some pictures of the forest walk that was around the corner from my house during the time I was writing about Eva’s forays into the Dreamland forest. I would often take walks through this forest with my family. On evening walks when the sun was just beginning to drop, the shadows were emerging, and the cold began moving in is when I felt Eva’s forest coming to life. 

These pictures and this forest helped inspire the section in chapter four where Eva meets her Dreamguide, Herman, for the first time. I don’t have a picture of it to share, but this forest even has a tree shaped sort of like an “S” that you can sit in, just like Herman did. 

Are you curious about my inspiration for a particular part of the book? Let me know by leaving a comment. Maybe I’ll answer it in an upcoming post.

Until then, happy reading!